Sunday, September 23, 2012

3days in Sebuku, Sembakung, and Tulin onsoi Districts

audiences of HIV/AIDS presentation in Sembakung district
Once again my connection from city Health Center takes  me to (I was assume) 3 remote areas of Nunukan which are: Sebuku, Sembakung, and Tulin Onsoi districts to share by presentation about HIV/ AIDS and the danger of narcotics drugs for students and productive ages.
HIV/ AIDS presentation in Lumbis district
We went there about 3 hours by small speed boat of 75 PK it was 6 person on board including the motorist. It was long and dangerous journey since the river is wide and deep, also a lot of wood chops floating on the river that we must avoid for the danger of collision. After arriving on Sebuku harbor, we went to Sembakung district in 1hour land travel to do our first presentation.
Sanur public health center Ambulance
Many questions about HIV/AIDS came from high school students, their enthusiasm makes this duty easier, as we know most our HIV patients came from this productive age from 20-40 years old. This fact is very harmful for this Nation's future….any nations. The presentation mostly about how we treat HIV/AIDS patients socially among us. Nowadays HIV/AIDS must not consider as a frightening disease as long as public now what is HIV/AIDS and how to treat the patient together due to better life quality.
HIV is a virus that cause immunodeficiency in Human. It spreads thru human liquid such as blood, sperm/vaginal discharge, brain liquid, and saliva. It takes 3-6 month to be seen as positive result since the first contact. This called “window period”, a periode that mostly refer to negative results but the patient still can spread the virus by unsave sex (not using condom or free sex), transfusion, etc..
After 5-10 years later, many diseases that manifest as the result of the destroy of immune system starts to weaken the patients (syndrome) and this condition called AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) until death comes.
a few characters of audiences including Chief of Tulin Onsoi District
HIV/AIDS not infected by shaking hands, kissing, cough, work together, using the same pool or toilets, and mosquitos bite. And with proper education about HIV/AIDS thru media and health center, we can help ourselves to avoid the disease and help the patient with HIV/AIDS to live better.
Nowadays there’s a treatment to limit the progress of the virus called ARV (antiretroviral) and a complete educative center VCT (voluntary counseling and testing) to provide consultation, future planning, and Patient-approval-testing-based to make patient as comfortable as possible to carry on his/her life betterly

a small part of road from Sebuku to Sembakung
too far from Samarinda :))
sei sembakung bridge in Lumbis

Monday, September 10, 2012

2 minggu di tambang batubara

Crane Car

Setelah tiba di Nunukan 13 agustus 2012, keesokan harinya saya harus berangkat ke pedalaman sebakis untuk menikmati pekerjaan sebagai dokter jaga. Suasana pedalaman sudah tidak asing lagi bagi saya, mengingat sebelumnya pernah bertugas di pedalaman pulau Gebe Halmahera Tengah, Maluku Utara selama 2 tahun beberapa waktu lalu.

arive at Nunukan august 13th, from my visit to Bali, I must go to a remote area, a coal mine, Sebakis to enjoy my work as medical officer. The situation for me is well adapted already since my former duty in Gebe Island North Moluuca about 2 years, a few years ago

Berangkat melalui pelabuhan Liem Hie Jung (orang lokal menyebutnya "lamijung") kami bertolak bersama karyawan tambang lainnya dengan speedboat kecil ke arah barat sekitar satu jam perjalanan. Meski tampak seperti lautan, beberapa perairan di area kabupaten Nunukan seyogiyanya adalah sungai-sungai besar yang berisi buaya:D di beberapa tempat menurut kesaksian penduduk lokal didiami buaya dengan badan selebar daun pintu.. Ini membuat perjalanan semakin mendebarkan diiringi ombak yang mulai tinggi menjelang petang.

Departing thru Liem Hie Jung Harbor (local people call it Lamijung) we went with other mine employee with a smaal speedboat to west of Nunukan island for about 1 hour. Even though it seems like a sea, it's actually a giant river and many of these river of Nunukan contain Crocodile, some of them a giant one:)) it makes the journey even more interesting

Setiba di pelabuhan tambang, kami dijemput SUV pajero sport yang membawa kami dalam perjalanan tak kalah serunya. Mesin diesel turbo commonrail yang konon merupakan salah satu mesin diesel tercanggih saat ini menghasilkan suara tidak selayaknya mesin diesel biasa:) bunyi kasar khas sangat minim berganti siulan dan hentakan tenaga besar di setiap putaran mesinnya.

at the company harbor we picked by a SUV "pajero sport" which takes us into another exciting journey. The commonrail turbo diesel produce an unusual diesel noise, no more rough common diesel noise but change into "whistle" and great power in each RPM.

tempat paling favorit : kantin (provided by: Boga Mitra Sarana)
kantin eksekutif
"Land Vehicle" mitsubishi triton

suasana di sekitar Kantor (mensketsa dari titik sinyal handphone terkuat:))

bersama pak Tumidjan sekdes setempat
kediaman pak Hadi..

Waktu yang kurang menguntungkan selama di tambang, kebetulan berada dalam suasana Romadhon, bahkan mendekati lebaran segera dimanfaatkan menemui teman baik di daerah transmigrasi Sei Menggaris. Rata-rata berprofesi sebagai petani kelapa sawit dan mengaku cukup tentram hidup di sana. Saat lebaran mengikuti sholat ied berada di tengah-tengah mereka serasa (meski tidak sama) berada di tengah keluarga. Dengan kondisi mereka yang menurut ukuran saya serba kekurangan, sambutan dan jamuan yang disuguhkan agak sedikit terlalu mewah buat ukuran saya.

saat khotbah idul Fitri 1433H/ 19 Agustus 2012
bpk Hadi (imam sholat ied)

bersama Perawat PT Duta Tambang Rekayasa; bpk Heru Hermawan

perjalanan pulang ke Nunukan

 terima kasih atas kerjasama dan keramahtamahan PT Duta Tambang dan Masyarakat Transmigran Sei Menggaris, semoga kerja sama ke depan terjalin lebih baik dan semoga bertemu kembal di kesempatan yang lain:)

a (sudden) trip to bali

09 august, i was ordered to go to Bali by director in order to attend a seminar about hospital development. For me it's another additional sketch travel for my collection:). The seminar was take place at Hotel Mercure Kuta, Bali from 10-12 August 2012 about new paradigma of how a hospital must be in the future. A hospital with more orientation to the comfort of the patient through many additional way of services that takes cooperation from many units in the hospital.

on the speeding boat


in the hotel Room
dining room

Ngurah Rai Airport

with an old friend from the same university, dr. Roy

Kuta at night

with Gde Ada

the travel starts by speedboat leaving from Nunukan about 2 hours to Tarakan. Not a convenient one especially for sketchers:))...very bumpy in the middle of the sea. But, for practice it's difficulty is very challenging.

arrive in Tarakan about 10 am, we went to airport and wait for our next flight by Lion Air at 02.30 pm. A bit chance to take a small nap at the airport and on the plane (about 2 hours to Surabaya) since it was very exhausting take a speedboat to travel.

we leave Surabaya for Kuta, Bali about 5.35 pm it takes about 1.5 hour to get there, arrive at the hotel about 8.45 pm over the traffic jam and late for the opening:)

It was Romadhon while the travel take place, so i was not visit many places at the time unless the place that i really want to go to: the location of garuda wisnu kencana...i was a little dissapointed there since the place seems not well organized after local government took over the management from a private company. I really hope this place will be much better next time i go here.

In Bali i've met one of my old best friend, Gde Ada, which i see him now more big than the last time i saw him and of course he still a positive man:) i admire him for this.. I formerly live in Denpasar in 1995 and he was my classmate.

see ya on the next sketch!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

my special customized bike

starts from the idea "bike-to-work" while serving my patient in the evening, i choose the cheapest full-suspension bike of P*lyg*n, a name of our proud local product in Indonesia. after a few weeks, a friend of mine from bicycle club takes me to a very extreem track a few times that gives me enough consideration to realize that i choose the wrong bike:D

then, many changes was made.. step-by-step from 120mm travel fork, disc brake system, rims, tyres, rear dreaillure, 9 speed sprocket, handle bar, and shifter cost me the price of the bike:)) and a lot of priceless satisfaction and fun since i've done the modification mostly by myself:)

#drawing pen 0.1mm on yellowish canson A4 finished by watercolor

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

watercolor a suicide art tool:D

this month, is a very hectic month.. visited by a hospital supervision team from Jakarta. Asking so many question about our progress to get certificate of services. I sketch one of supervisor, dr. Etty Sumiyati after examination at my section completed.

next several days, after observing many watercolor work from many advance artists, i try to learn it using George Clooney picture. I always say watercolor is a suicide art tool since its very hard to control, and oftenly worsen a nice sketch.


 simple correction comments are very much welcome:)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

one day at mayor's office

A meeting can be boring I try to overcome that condition by sketching a few characters during the meeting. Actually it’s not a boring meeting at all, discussion about food safety in Nunukan.:D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


after pray on Friday usually there is an announcement or a speech from the praying leader, about how to live rightly:) A session that open our mind about how to prepare ourselves for the afterlife. About how to manage relationship between God and Human...
and a value added for me: how to sketch in every situation..

one evening at harbor

Harbor is a perfect place to let the afterwork burden go. The aroma of the sea water, watching seagull hunt for a small fish/shrimp, the sound of diesel engines and the wave of the sea it feels like hearing a Beethoven's symphony.... smooth but hard to figure of how it plays.

boat is one of the most challenging object to sketch. For a fast sketch detail is not an object. Keep sketch of what we see.

once upon a time in my office

an office room can be boring for us or NOT:)) it depends on how you see it.  In my mind there is always beauty in an even the most place. Try to find it in yours, and sketch it fast! beware of the killer-warden-boss:D
have a nice day:)

a few days in Jakarta (late march)

while waiting my next 5 hours flight to Jakarta:)

Once again, my job takes me to Jakarta, an annual short course about government public relation. It's all about how to manage things related to media and institution's (bad) news so it won't misinterpreted.

 all was drawed on canson sketchbook using a 0.1 drawing pen..

Monday, March 19, 2012

a day before birthday

Our Navy oftenly park their magnificent sea war equipment at Tunon Taka Harbor Nunukan even though they have their own harbor, still unknown why they park here (at Tunon Taka). Sometimes we saw them refuelling here or filling up the water supply.
Anyway, for us it's a respective valuable entertainment :) since this is actually a rare sight.

(ink pen 0.1mm on Canson a4)